Sunday, August 30, 2009

Obama as "the last brother"??? Not exactly .....

The relationship between Obama and Ted Kennedy, per the Kennedy biographer, was not as Obama wanted to present it. Read the entire interview.

STEVE MALZBERG: This relationship between Obama and Ted Kennedy led Chris
Matthews, wacko of all wackos in my view, to say that he's now the next, he's
the last brother. Obama's the last brother.
ED KLEIN: Yeah, I, I heard that.
MALZBERG: What do you think of that? What was their relationship, and
what do you think of that description of it?
KLEIN: Makes me want to puke. To
tell you the truth.
MALZBERG: Why, why, why?
KLEIN: Because it's so
patently untrue, number one. And number two, they weren't, they weren't that
close. They, there was a political meeting of the minds, but a lot of the
backing for Obama was Kennedy's paying the Clintons back for stealing the
Democratic Party and bringing it to the center rather than to the left.
MALZBERG: So you're saying this is fiction basically the close kinship
between Teddy and Barack Obama?
KLEIN: Listen, I think Barack Obama's very grateful, very grateful for what Ted Kennedy did. I mean, after all, it certainly helped. But I don't think they ever had a very close relationship. They had a political relationship which Teddy said, "Look, I'll back you but you better make healthcare your first priority when you become president." That was the deal.

Also check out Klein's assessment of the letter supposedly written by Kennedy to the governor, asking for the state's succession law to be changed ....

Hey --- ya don't think the Chicago Way also runs through Massachusetts, do ya?


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