Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Traveling WH and All the President's Men

Little did we know .... when Obama travels, the White House staff goes with him:

With an entourage of 500 staff, an armour-plated limousine and a fleet of
decoy helicopters, America's new president will arrive for his first visit to
Britain amid huge razzmatazz on Tuesday for the G20 summit. But it will be his
closed-door meetings with world leaders that are likely to prove the most
significant of the trip.


More than 500 officials and staff will accompany the president on his tour
this week - along with a mass of high-tech security equipment, including the
$300,000 presidential limousine, known as The Beast. Fitted with night-vision
camera, reinforced steel plating, tear- gas cannon and oxygen tanks, the vehicle
is the ultimate in heavy armoured transport.

In addition, a team from the White House kitchen will travel with the
president to prepare his food. As one official put it: "When the president
travels, the White House travels with him, right down to the car he drives, the
water he drinks, the gasoline he uses, the food he eats. America is still the
sole superpower and the president must have the ability to handle any crisis,
anywhere, any time."


And should anything befall the President, a White House medical unit will
be at hand to provide emergency care. The team consists of surgeons, nurses and
other medical personnel and carries supplies of blood of the type AB, the
president's blood group. At the same time, Obama will be constantly minded by
his personal aide Reggie Love, who dials his BlackBerry, fetches his jacket and
tie and supplies him with snacks. First Lady Michelle Obama will also have a
coterie of assistants, including a secretary, a press officer and several

Read the entire article for details. If we know the details now, how long have prospective adversaries known?

There are sound reasons why the Prez should stay in the White House -- instead of traveling to press conferences, Camp David, etc. -- doing the people's business and less campaigning at tax payers' expense, don't you think?


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