Friday, January 20, 2012

Ron Paul knows Newt -- so should YOU.

Ron Paul knows Newt: Counterfeit Conservative.

Did anyone mention hypocrite? Did anyone mention that while Newt was chastising Bill Clinton for having another use for his cigar, the Newtster was getting his own cigar unwrapped as his wife lay critically ill?

We all know that Newt was asked to relinquish his position as Speaker of the House rather than face possible criminal sanctions from his peers in Congress.

Nancy Pelosi, who sat on the ethics committee at that time, has stated that -- at an appropriate time -- she will release the results of Gingrich's investigation. Here is John Sununu's assessment:

“We had … well over 218 Republicans in the Congress when Newt was the Speaker, and you can’t find more than a handful who will come to his defense,” King said. “And it has nothing to do with ideology, nothing to do with philosophy. It’s all the erratic, self-serving narcissism of Newt.”

Sununu said Democrats are “laughing with glee behind closed doors” at the prospect of a Gingrich nomination.

He warned that Gingrich has so much baggage, including the ethics violations for which he was fined $300,000, that an “October surprise” during the 2012 election would be inevitable.

“There was a 7-to-1 vote in that Ethics Committee, which means the material was pretty convincing, even to the four Republicans, three of which voted against him,” Sununu said. “I think it reflects on his reliability as a leader and, frankly, reflects on the fact that [House Minority Leader Nancy] Pelosi was part of that process, and whatever Congresswoman Pelosi knows, President Obama knows.“And if Pelosi knows, Obama knows. And if Obama knows, this is certainly a ripe package for an October surprise.”

Pelosi served on the Ethics Committee that investigated Gingrich for tax cheating and campaign finance violations in the late 1990s.

She told Talking Points Memo in early December that she will reveal information about him when the time is right.

Here is more -- some of which we/you may not have known:

Paul also says:

Newt Gingrich was for the individual mandate that served as the model for "ObamaCare." He was originally for the TARP bank bailouts before he was against them.

He slammed Paul Ryan's budget plan as "extreme," calling it "right-wing social engineering."

Gingrich was "for the individual mandate that served as the model for "ObamaCare." His healthcare group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry.

He was originally for the TARP bank bailouts before he was against them.

He joined with Nancy Pelosi to promote the anti-business "global warming" agenda."

Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Freddie Mac.

Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions.

For all of Ron Paul's "unelectibles" -- at least he knows Newt Gingrich's double standards: for his family, his character, his values, his background and especially his nation.

Want more proof that Newt is not what he pretends to be? You don't have to be a "Bircher" to believe why so many of Newt's peers consider him unethical, untrustworthy and a counterfeit conservative:

The Real Newt Gingrich from Frank on Vimeo.

Romney. Our only TRUE choice for President.


Anonymous said...

IMO, Newt's volitile mood changes and "off the cuff" rants (including his reliance on verbosity and quips) suggest the unpredictable behaviors of a very bright person with emotional problems.

Santorum referred to him as "grandiose" -- which means bombastic, pretentious, pompous. His notable character flaws appear in his infidelity to two wives, his ethical violations resulting in the loss of his House Speaker position with a $300,000 fine, his taking money from organizations he supposedly opposes (as a conservative) and his subsequent flip-flops related to conservative positions. In all honesty, he reminds me of a pretentious old fat man who will sacrifice anyone and anything to get what he wants--- which includes being a stud-muffin who wants to be President.

WhatzizName said...

ROFL !!! Newt as a stud-muffin????

What an imagination.

But if SC voters DO turn out for him, I'm gonna have to question their claim to being .... well, whatever they claim to be.

Hard to believe that intelligent GOD-FEARING folks would vote for such an apparently unethical person.

Yet .... if those self-proclaimed "GOD-FEARING" folks do support him, not sure who they gonna turn to when Nancy Pelosi turns Newt's records over to Obama ....