But were we surprised .... Guess who is NOW in the middle of every skirmish or rope tug -- and holding his own?

After all --- what's not to love?
Speck watches the Dynamic Duo for clues -- to bark (unless he likely hears some high-pitch sounds even they can't hear) or to runnnnnnnn to the window or to start a game of chase .... He is beginning to initiate potty breaks! He is learning hand signals to "come" or "stay" or "sit" .... He tilts his head instinctively to "see" .... Pogo and Daisy willingly share their food and water .... He eats like a small horse and has already claimed his personal area of the back yard. He joins in a barking chorus at the neighbor's cats and has no fear in letting either of the Dynamic Duo know that he is no push-over .... insteading of modeling for Pogo how to pee with one leg raised, he occasionally squats beside his larger friend .... He wisely hides Daisy's toys when she's sleeping -- otherwise, she taunts him with them in play. Both Pogo and Daisy know his wrath when annoyed; yet, his safe harbor from a friendly chase game is under the dining room table where his heftier pals can't scurry .... and when not curled in the small of my back, he loves to snuggle between my neck and the pillow when sleeping --- extending that long nose beneath my ear. To snore peacefully.
Yeah. We're the fortunate ones. Safe. Secure. Loved. Trusted. Blessed.

All of us.
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