Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG bonuses: Who knew what when? Another Obama lie

If you've just watched Obama speak as he leaves for California -- you heard him lie about blaming the AIG bonus scenario on the previous administration ..... It's nothing more than another con game being played by Obama's White House.

Obama's Stimulus Bill specifically approved bonuses contracted pre-Feb. 11 ---

Leftist Radio Host: Obama WANTS the outrage!

MM refers to it as DC kabuki theater of AIG outrage ---- feigned surprise at something both the president, Geithner and the inner circle of enablers knew about.

Read the time-line in MM's article.

Meanwhile, Prez ZerO is off to sunny California on an0ther campaign swing --- watch for him to follow up the Leno gig with a visit with Ellen for (as MM suggests) another "BoBo boogies while DC burns" jive step.

You might also enjoy this revelation on how the US taxpayer is bailing out the world.

Meanwhile, check out our new video section in the sidebar AND the Issues and Topics section to the right --------->

You may also find these articles enlightening:

Last night's White House party list (while DC burns, of course --- let's get drunk and watch from the Rose Garden ..... grrrrrrrrrrrrr)

America's financial meltdown: The Son of Soros Seals our Fate

Teleprompter Blunder (ZerO thanks himself ....)
Obama to strong-arm budgets through Congress

Gov to kill farmers' markets?

WH admits cap and trade costs underestimated (tripled??)

Iran in South America
ACORN and the Census
Medical Civil Liberties Threatened
Bail Out Funds follow Obama's Campaign Contributions

And check out those Tea Party rallies ----- you are needed!!!!


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