Saturday, January 24, 2009

UPDATED Bipartisanship: Chicago-Style

Why would Obama "warn" Republicans about listening to Rush Limbaugh? Or remind them that "he won"????

UPDATE: Rush responds to point out that Obama's tactic is to take attention away from his stimulus plan ....

If I can be made to serve as a distraction, then there is that much less time debating the merits of the trillion dollar debacle.

.... [this demonstrates] Obama's ties to the teachings of Saul Alinksy while he was community organizing in Chicago. Here is Rule 13 of Alinksy's Rules for Radicals:

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Are we going to play Obama's stall-game or his "my way or the highway" for the next four years? At this critical time when "all Americans must come together"?

Why should the President of the United States be threatened by a conservative talk radio host??? As Rush pointed out --- is this simply a diversion to a weak stimilus plan? (I've never listened to Limbaugh -- might have to tune him in now.)

Or is this bipartisanship "Chicago style" with a dose of Alinsky?

Here's the original news article. This ought to be good for a few months. Or years. Or until 2010 or 2012 when the WH admits this "stimulus" will take effect. (Click stimulus link for summary. It's also enlargeable.)

Note: Emphasis, stimulus summary links and comments are added to article below.

[An obviously insecure] President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration. [What happened to that "we are one" spiel??? And why is Rush Limbaugh such a threat to Barack Obama?]

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his
nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts. [ Coulda fooled me.]

"There are big things that unify Republicans and Democrats [name five, but first put that letter opener down]," the official said. "We shouldn't let partisan politics derail what are very important things [like $3 million for condoms] that need to get done." [or maybe helping the prez pay back campaign debts to all those unions and special interest groups?]

That wasn't Obama's only jab at Republicans today. [Really?]

In an exchange with Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) about the proposal, the president shot back: "I won," according to aides briefed on the meeting. [nanner nanner nanner]

"I will trump you on that."

[This guy plays bridge also? I had him pegged as a joker's wild sorta guy ....]

Not that Obama was gloating. [NO? Then was he trying to intimidate someone?] He was just explaining that he aims to get his way on stimulus package and all other legislation, sources said, noting his unrivaled one-party control of both congressional chambers. [Hey --- never say 'no' to the Messiah.]

"We are experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis that has to be dealt
with and dealt with rapidly," Obama said during the meeting. [Well, duh. So why are you proposing "stimuli" which won't take effect for 2-4 years?]

Republicans say the $825 billion price tag is too big a burden for a nation crippled by debt and that it doesn't do enough to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes.

"You know, I'm concerned about the size of the package. And I'm concerned about some of the spending that's in there, [about] ... how you can spend hundreds of millions on contraceptives," House GOP Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) later said.

"How does that [$300 million for condoms] stimulate the economy?" [Could it be because this entire plan is one big screw-over for America?]

But White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs countered: "There was a lot of agreement in that room about the notion that we're facing an economic crisis [duh]unlike we've seen in quite some time ... that we must act quickly to stimulate the economy, create jobs, put money back in people's pockets." [So why are we waiting until 2010 or 2012 before this 'stimulus' kicks in?]

Gibbs disagreed with those who called the meeting window dressing. [This whole administrative facade is beginning to look shady .... ]

"The president is certainly going to listen to any ideas," he said. [Will that be before or after his campaign cronies get their money?]

"He will also go to Capitol Hill the beginning of next week to talk to Republican caucuses and solicit their input and their ideas." [If this bipartisan meeting was "window dressing," can we expect paint, wall paper and new carpet next week?]

IMO, IF Republicans DON'T filibuster this pork-package-to-repay-campaign-promises-while-calling-it-an-economic-stimulus, they can hang it and this nation up for the next four years (and beyond).

And while I'm on the topic ----

If someone doesn't step up and reveal (Obama's benefactor) George Soros and his henchmen for manipulating all global markets, Soros is REALLY going to be the Dr. No of this world. (Even he agrees that the global economic stress has been caused by the U.S. housing market scandal(s) -- although he fails to recognize the role of certain "leading" democrats in ignoring the warnings, lying about the corruption in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and in benefiting from the $candal$.)

Even one of Soros' cohorts has advised global investors to ditch U.S. stocks and buy U.S. corporations or put their money in the Asian market.

Is it any wonder that Soros' buddy Maurice Strong is already living in China (since his meddling in the U.N. oil for food scheme -- with whom Soros is working on a scheme to market Chinese's economy car in the U.S.)


that Obama's choice for Secretary Treasurer (the tax evading) Timothy Geithner (click to read about his role in the collapse of Citibank -- which may become part of our "nationalized bank system) also speaks fluent Chinese and has also worked with the Chinese market????

Don't be distracted.

Which reminds me ---------- what we need around here is a pro-active, pro-American James Bond-type figure to salvage our nation and our economy from greedy Gold Fingers, Dr. No and the Chicago Way. And that figure is Mitt Romney.

This topic cross-posted through-out Over the Hill Oracles sites.


Anonymous said...

hummmm .... Powerline blog may be right. Obama will try to muzzle conservative radio!!!!

Anonymous said...

sure obomma wants to share the blame -- he's a hypocrite! He wants to intimidate reps into supporting his failure.

Anonymous said...

ha!!! The master speaks about the crisis he may have helped create at

Soros needs to be sent back to where he came from. Is France still looking for him?

Anonymous said...

If you enjoy conservative talk radio, get ready to fight for it

Pelosi and Reid will do their best to turn the radio off!!!

Anonymous said...

moonbats talk about building roads and schools --- why is only 3% of the trillion dollar stimulus plan designated for these jobs??

Liars. Hypocrites. More political posturing to pay off ACORN and special interest groups, first, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Oblama's stimulus package is as hypocritic as his anti-lobbyist order, which does nothing to stop contacts or appointments by FORMER lobbyists or those who didn't register as lobbyists but worked with lobbying firms as advisors, counsels, pollsters.

What a trickster. The Chicago Way has arrived.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of asking not to follow his own rules, here's how he wants to get around on his on anti-lobbyist policy when he wants what he wants that no one else can have.

Anonymous said...

Now the rest of the world is beginning to see the hype behind the hope.

how sad. we tried to tell them!!

Anonymous said...

Something else about Geithner that needs to be considered is at

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Obama won by, among other things, promising a net decrease in federal spending. Here he is during the third debate: "what I've done throughout this campaign is to propose a net spending cut.... What I want to emphasize ... is that I have been a strong proponent of pay-as-you-go. Every dollar that I've proposed, I've proposed an additional cut so that it matches."

Obama would have a much better case for Republican deference to his spending plans if he had actually campaigned in favor of the most massive increase in federal spending, ever, instead of as a budget-cutter.


Anonymous said...

President Obama is willing to talk to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without preconditions. But Rush Limbaugh? “You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done.” America, we have met the enemy and he is some fat guy in Florida.


Anonymous said...


‘If the Republicans had listened to Rush, Obama be sitting in Roland Burris’s seat.’

Anonymous said...

Barney Two-Face Frank and what he did:

Anonymous said...

Rush's full response

Goooooo RUSH!!!