Monday, January 12, 2009

BHO's National Service Site: Toss a shoe at Bush

Even assuming that most moonbats won't realize that nearly 1 million of the 3+ million "new" jobs Obama promises to create will be new government jobs -- looks as if THE ONE now plans to spend our tax money duplicating services already available ....

Your tax dollars, hard at work:

Colin Powell held a press conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday,
touting the launch of Barack Obama’s new website,, which allows Americans to find—and to promote—local service opportunities that are searchable by zip code.

President Bush’s former Secretary of State said he was on the site this
morning and vouched for its usefulness. But here’s betting that Powell didn’t have time to go through all of the events on it.

Wanting to see how the website works, I typed in my hometown zip
code in Los Angeles to find events within a 10 mile radius.

It pointed me to several events including a blood drive, a graffiti
clean-up, and an “Obama Celebration and Bush Shoe Toss.”

The event, which was listed as a “Day of Service - January 19,” is
taking place at the soon-to-open Carnivale Café on the corner of Vermont and Normal.

“Come Celebrate with us” wrote Gilbert Gazan, 46, in the event’s
description. “Say good bye to old Georgie . . . Throw a shoe at poster of
Bush and win a free drink.”

The Obama camp says this isn’t their fault, because they don’t vet who
uses the site for what: Other than doing a “very cursory” review of the site on occasion to make sure there are no “glaringly inappropriate” events on the site, the Presidential Inaugural Committee is “not vetting the groups that are offering service opportunities or the individuals that are offering service opportunities or the people who want to participate,” according to Linda Douglass, the committee’s chief spokesperson.

“This is a hub,” said Douglass. “It is very much like CraigsList, matching up individuals and groups who want to participate with opportunities to serve.”

That’s an adequate explanation. I certainly don’t think Obama or his people are endorsing this event, and I would hope they’re not any more happy with the Iraqi shoe-thrower than they would be with someone tossing things at Obama’s head, but I wonder...if this new site is “like CraigsList,” what do we need it for? Why is it costing us tax dollars?

We already have a CraigsList. And a Facebook. And a MySpace. And a myriad of other social networking websites both large and small, global and local, that organizations can use to draw attention to their events and service opportunities without costing the taxpayers any money.

As usual, big-government liberals like Obama think that government can
and/or should do things the private sector is already doing. And doing better than the government ever could.

-- from Say Anything blog

I'm not liking the gib o' the BHO sail and this guy's boat ain't even left dry dock.

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